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How to Make Mindful Eating Fun!

Presented by Cinzia Pezzolesi, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist

With special guest Dr. Lorenza Bicchieri

May 4, 2020

Mindful Eating doesn't have to be boring. 

In this webinar we will explore interesting ways to connect to our mind and body. We will discuss some 'mind teasers' to help you rethink the meaning of eating and to prepare our mind and body to eat. As well as some interactive ways to bring a smile and joy to the table.

The webinar will include some practices that are suitable for family meals

Learning Objectives

  1. Explore alternative ways to think about food and eating
  2. Discuss 'mind teasers' to prepare us to it
  3. Explore how to bring fun to the dining table


Presentation Slide Deck- Part 1

Presentation Slide Deck- Part 2

Video 1: Flavor Lab

Video 2: Formal Practice

Post-Event Survey

Everyone is encourage to complete the post-event survey to provide feedback on the session, this information helps us improve future programs.

Contact if you have any questions. 

Thank you for supporting The Center for Mindful Eating through your participation in this session. If you enjoyed this program and would like to help further our mission to help people achieve a balanced, respectful, healthy and joyful relationship with food and eating, consider making a donation.

About the presenter: 

Cinzia Pezzolesi, PhD, is a Clinical Psychologist and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapist. Cinzia is also a senior lecturer on mental health and wellbeing. Cinzia qualified as mindfulness teacher at the University of Bangor (North Wales, UK), and trained as Mindful Eating trainer in Boston (USA). 

Cinzia has a PhD in Human Factors in Health Care and obtained her Clinical Psychologist degree from the University of Urbino (IT) where she is originally from. She currently lives in the UK, and over the years she has developed a strong research interest around wellbeing and mindfulness in various health care settings. Her areas of expertise include eating disorders, substance of misuse, anxiety and depression.

Cinzia enjoys spending time with her family and has a strong passion for sport. She played volleyball professionally in Italy for over 15 years and she is now a supporter of the UK team ‘Polonia Volleyball’.

To learn more about Cinzia's work,

Dr. Lorenza Bicchieri is a Clinical and Sport Psychologist, and Cognitive-Behavioural Psychotherapist. After graduating in Pedagogy in 1993, she has continued her studies in University of Parma (IT) until graduating in Psychology and specializing in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy in 2010. 

Lorenza learned Mindfulness-Based approaches during the four-years of CBT specialization discovering theirs benefits; she spent part of her career as lecturer and tutor in clinical psychology at University of Parma. As a therapist, she works in pubblic health context, primarily with people suffering of metabolic diseases, obesity and bariatric surgery patients, helping them to cope with psychological illness-related distress, eating disorders and life-style change. During her over 10 years of work experience with people struggling with weight, body and food relationship, she developed and increased her interest for Mindful Eating and its clinical application. Her expertise area include anxiety, stress and mood disorders, psychophysiology and biofeedback. 

Lorenza loves spend her free time cultivating and sharing with family the passion for sport and open air activities.

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