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The Center for Mindful Eating

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Website Use and Disclaimer

The Center for Mindful Eating (TCME) is providing this website as a service to its members, to those interested in mindful eating and to the general public, in furtherance of the TCME mission as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. TCME is not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising from use of, reference to, or reliance on, any information contained within the site. While this information is periodically updated, there is no guarantee that it is correct, complete or up to date.

Privacy Policy

The Center for Mindful Eating uses your information only for our own purposes and never shares your data with any third parties. These purposes include: our monthly newsletters, occasional updates about new features on our website, notices about our events that you sign up for, and fundraising for supporting our work.

Membership and event registration data is stored within our website which is managed by Wild Apricot. Email communications are sent via our website and MailChimp, who holds our contact emails. We utilize Survey Monkey for feedback forms and member surveys and have indicated on each survey if it is anonymous or if specific data about you is collected for the purposes of the survey. You may choose to alter your consent at any time by updating your email settings or unsubscribing using the links at the bottom of each email we send you, or by contacting us at


Although the TCME site may include links providing direct access to other Internet resources, including websites, TCME has not participated in the development of these sites, does not exert any editorial control over them and is not responsible for their accuracy or content. Links from TCME to third-party sites do not constitute an endorsement of these parties, their products or services.


The opinions expressed by contributors to the TCME site are solely those of the individual writers and speakers and do not reflect the opinions of TCME.

Privacy Statement

The names and contact information on the TCME site are published to facilitate dialogue among members and interested parties. It is not intended, and we request that it not be used, for commercial purposes.

Product Endorsements

Reference herein to any specific product, process or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply an endorsement, recommendation or favoring by TCME.

Medical Advice

This site does not provide medical advice. The content of the TCME site, including text, graphics, images, information obtained from licensees, and other content found on the TCME site, are intended for informational and educational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding your health or any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice, or delay seeking it, because of something you've read on the TCME website.

Use of Content

TCME maintains the right to restrict the reproduction of certain written content, programs, logo, and other content found on this site. TCME requests, if permission to reproduce materials is not clearly granted and stated, that you inquire by contacting us:


TCME board members do not receive any remuneration for their participation as such.

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TCME is a member and donation supported 501(C)3 non-profit organization. We depend your generosity to make our mindful eating programs available. Make a tax deductible contribution on our donation page

The Center for Mindful Eating

PO Box 30033

Columbia, MO 65205

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