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The Center for Mindful Eating

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Become a Board Member

All members of the board of The Center for Mindful Eating (TCME) must have a commitment and a desire to see TCME succeed. They will have an active interest in the principles and purpose of TCME, and they willingly contribute from their own field of expertise as relates to TCME activities. 

TCME encourages, supports, and celebrates the diverse voices of our growing membership and board. We strive to be a community that nourishes and inspires-- inclusive of age, gender identity, race, religion, sexual orientation, body size, physical or mental ability, nationality, language, and ethnicity.


  • Carry out the organization’s mission and vision.

  • Select, assess, and support the executive team and management team.

  • Ensure adequate resources for the organization (through fundraising, program development, and budgeting)

  • Enhance the organization’s public standing.

  • Ensure legal and ethical integrity and maintain accountability.

  • Set, monitor, and strengthen the organization’s programs and resources.

  • Recruit and orient new board members and assess board performance.


  • Actively participate in Board Meetings, as listed below. 

  • Select at least one standing committee and one ad-hock committee to participate in throughout the year.

  • Reading monthly updates and staying current with Center activities.

  • Actively contribute to building our yearly offering by recruiting qualified speakers or authors. 

    • Board Members may choose to personally offer no more than two (2) live events or write blogs per year. 

  • Be willing to communicate about TCME with associates and other interested parties.

  • Represent the interest of professionals who share your area of expertise. 

  • Be willing to be contacted by TCME principals when a decision or perspective or feedback is needed. 

Minimum Requirements:

To be considered for a director position, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Alignment with the Mindful Eating Position Statements. Board members do not need to be experts in each area but have a general understanding of and agreement with the relevant issues. 

-Please pay close attention to the Weight Inclusivity Position Statement and the stance on intentional weight loss.
  • Demonstration of committed personal mindfulness practice (e.g. meditation, mindful yoga) for at least two years. 

  • Demonstration of a deep understanding of mindful eating through their professional activities (e.g. teaching individuals and/or groups in mindful eating, participation in TCME activities, participation in the TCME Certification program).

Board Meetings:

  • The Board of Directors meets monthly on the 2nd Monday of the month from 11:00 AM-12:30 PM ET, 90 minutes.

  • Committee Meetings are generally scheduled monthly or as needed.

  • The Annual General Meeting of the Board of Directors, which may be scheduled either virtually or in person, is generally scheduled between June and August. In-person meetings are generally held every 2-3 years. 

Terms and Time Commitment:

  • One Board of Directors term is three (3) years.

  • Directors may serve no more than three (3) terms. I.E. 3 x 3-year term for a maximum of nine (9) years.

  • Depending on the size of the board, Directors volunteer approximately 5-10 hours per month.


  • TCME is a non-profit institution. It does not offer financial compensation to members of the Board of Directors.

  • Board members are responsible for costs associated with meetings and travel.

    Active Committees:

    • Program Development – Involved in planning the educational activities offered throughout the year.
    • World Mindful Eating Month (WMEM) – WMEM occurs in January of each year. This committee is responsible for the planning and execution of all  WMEM events.
    • Board Governance – This committee is responsible for strategic planning, diversity and equity initiatives, board recruitment, and board policy.

        Application Process:

        Please submit your application using the link below along with a current Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume.  A Board of Directors Representative will contact you to set up an interview and request a Letter of Reference. 

        If you have any questions or require assistance, please email

        Subscribe to our mailing list to receive information about upcoming webinars and other events


        TCME is a member and donation supported 501(C)3 non-profit organization. We depend your generosity to make our mindful eating programs available. Make a tax deductible contribution on our donation page

        The Center for Mindful Eating

        PO Box 30033

        Columbia, MO 65205

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