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The Center for Mindful Eating

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Recording Only | Avoiding Weight Stigma and Empowering Patients for Self-Care

  • Tuesday, June 20, 2023
  • Webinar | Professional Community: Free; Personal Community: $15; Public: $35


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Event Details

Educational Series: Professional Education

45-60 minute professional enrichment webinars, created with the Professional Community Member in mind; however, Personal Community Members are welcome to attend. 

Continuing Education Credit: Eligible

Those who attend the event live or watch the recording will receive a Certificate of Completion that may be used to apply for Continuing Education Credits with the accrediting body of their choice. 

Date: Tuesday, June 20th, 2023

About the Event

Despite the fact that nearly 95% of diets fail in the long term, and dieters often experience more weight gain than they originally lost, weight loss still remains a primary focus of many health care provider as the go to solution for all wellness challenges. 

In this discussion, Shelby will provide a brief history of how “health” is really a capitalistic, industrial complex with roots in racism, misogony and American exceptionalism.

She will also outline the impact this history has on contemporary health care services and provider training.

And ways patients can immediately become true Chief Information and Technology Officers to effectively advocate for their wellness and medical care.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify ways patients can more efficiently advocate for themselves – no matter their weight, shape or size.
  2. To understand that health is a complex scenario many are systematically excluded from and how to re-align expectations and realities to best collaborate with health care provides to maximize wellness.
  3. Where to find community and resources to keep up-to-date on advocacy and patient education opportunities.

About the Presenter

Shelby Gordon is a retired world-champion professional dieter who broke the chains of restriction, excessive exercise, and body hatred by embracing Body Trust®.

She now works with helping professionals and organizations to ignite and elevate their awareness of the intersection of fusion of systemic racism and dehumanizing diet culture. 

She is an awesome daughter, prolific social media disrupter and future puppy owner.   

You can follower her on Instagram:  Fit.Flexible.Fluid

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PO Box 30033

Columbia, MO 65205

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