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Recording Only | Body Positivity and Weight Inclusivity for Kids, Families, & Other Social Support Structures

  • Tuesday, February 15, 2022
  • Webinar | Professional Community: Free; Personal Community: $15; Public: $20


Registration is closed

Event Details

Educational Series: Professional Education

45-60 minute professional enrichment webinars, created with the Professional Community Member in mind; however, Personal Community Members are welcome to attend. 

Continuing Education Credit: Eligible

Those who attend the event live or watch the recording will receive a Certificate of Completion that may be used to apply for Continuing Education Credits with the accrediting body of their choice. 

Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Important Announcement:

This registration is to receive the Recording Only. You will not receive the link to the live event. You will receive an email with a link to the recording and materials after the event, typically within 1-2 business days.

About the Event

Body Positivity isn’t just a feel-good movement. For adults, teens, and increasingly, young children, body positivity (or neutrality) paired with weight inclusivity at home, in the medical office, and in the classroom could make drastic and positive difference in the lives of those in larger bodies. In this talk, we will go in-depth, past the warm fuzzies and right into the science of how these philosophies can support your clients, young and mature. There will be practical tips throughout the presentation.

Participants are invited to bring a case study for group discussion, although it’s not possible to guarantee that all will have time to be presented.

Learning Objectives

1. Discuss body positivity: what is body positivity? what is body neutrality?

2. Facilitate interventions by using a holistic and gentle approach, including positive feeding dynamic, child developmental considerations, and alternative/creative work with body image

3. Strategize unconventional approaches highlighting the various attributes of body positivity: senses as well as education regarding culture, location, vocabulary, social media exposure and creative outlets such as food art, photography, dance, music, and more

4. Utilize creativity in supporting evidence-based research regarding responsive parenting so that professionals and parents gain confidence in raising healthy children

About the Presenter

Yaffi Lvova is an experienced Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and a proud mom of twins plus one. She earned a bachelor of science in nutrition and dietetics from Arizona State University in 2010 and went on to complete the Iowa State University dietetic internship. Yaffi is a published author of several books on feeding kids and is the creator of Toddler Test Kitchen, an early childhood cooking program that aims to introduce children to unfamiliar food in a creative and fun way. Yaffi supports parents, pregnancy through toddlerhood, through her social media, public speaking, and Nap Time Nutrition podcast and YouTube channel. 

Connect with Yaffi!

LinkedIn: Yaffi Lvova

Facebook: @babybloomnutrition, @toddlertestkitchen_az

Instagram: @toddler.testkitchen

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