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The Center for Mindful Eating

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Taking the Practice of Yoga and Meditation from your Mat to your Plate

September 22, 2015 | Shirley Kessel, RYT

Sometimes the practice of Mindful Eating can be a struggle if your relationship with food is challenging. In this program you will learn how to bridge the practice of mindful awareness from your meditation or yoga practice to your plate.

Shirley Kessel, RYT, has worked in healthcare for over twenty-five years and has learned that health and wellness stem from tuning into and trusting your inner wisdom rather than relying on the many mandates from diet experts. Her center of attention is on teaching midlife women about the no-diet/self-care lifestyle.

Shirley holds a BS in Medical Dietetics from Penn State University. As a practitioner of yoga for over fifteen years, she is a Yoga Therapist who has completed a yoga teacher training called, “Reconnect with Food”®, a systematic, life-transforming, yoga-based eating disorder treatment program. She has also been trained in Dr. Jean Kristeller’s MB-EAT (Mindfulness Based Eating Awareness Training), and MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) under the Practicum of Dr. Diane Reibel and has studied with Jon Kabat-Zinn. Shirley is the Treasurer of TCME

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The Center for Mindful Eating

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Columbia, MO 65205

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