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The Zen of Eating: Ancient Answers to Modern Weight Problems

April 23, 2015 | Ronna Kabatznick, Ph.D.

Explore mindful eating, and its challenges, from a Buddhist perspective, specifically, the Four Noble Truths: The truth of suffering, the causes of suffering, that suffering can end and how to end it. These are universal truths for all of us, regardless of spiritual orientation, age, weight, sex, social status, etc.

Everyone has hungers of the body and hungers of the heart. We may want to lose weight, limit sugar or be more mindful of what, when and how we eat. But if we don't understand what causes insatiable eating, these habits become even more out of control, which only fuels frustration, overeating and self-loathing. But there is a way out of this vicious cycle that can be understood within the framework of these Noble Truths.


This teleconference is designed to provide an overall understanding of mindless eating and other disorders of desire and time-tested ways of managing our appetites based on ancient principles. A useful resource for this teleconference is Dr. Kabatznick's best-selling book,


The Zen of Eating: Ancient Answers to Modern Weight Problems.

Participants will:

1 Learn the Four Noble Truths and how they apply to Mindful Eating

2 Learn the different kinds of craving that fuel mindless eating

3 Learn some of the ancient guidelines to the challenge of insatiability

Ronna Kabatznick, Ph.D., is a former TCME Board Member and a social psychologist who has specialized in mindful eating for the past 30 years. She was the Psychologist for Weight Watchers International for nine years and helped bring the concept of mindful eating to their behavioral program. In addition to her book, The Zen of Eating (published in six languages) she is the author of Who by Fire: Reflections of a Tsunami Psychologist. Dr. Kabatznick has a private practice in Berkeley California and lectures on topics related to mindful eating, depression and relationships.

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