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Introducing Mindful Eating to Your Clients with Anorexia

August 29, 2016 | Caroline Baerten, RD (Belgium)

Mindful eating is an approach which is very new in the field of nutrition and eating behavior. Most research on mindful eating focuses on overeating or binge eating patterns.

Over the past several years, our presenter, a mindful eating teacher, dietitian and therapist, Caroline Baerten, RD, has been exploring the benefits of mindful eating with individuals who have extreme restrictive eating habits and anorectic mindsets. In this webinar, the aim is to understand which elements of a mindful eating program might contribute to the healing process for those suffering from anorexia and restrictive eating.

This program is intended for professionals working with this population. Participants will:

1 Gain insight into the anorectic mind

2 Explore the benefits and limitations of mindful eating when working with anorexia

3 Learn mindfulness-based tools for professionals

Introducing Mindful Eating to Your Clients with Anorexia

August 29, 2016

Intended for professionals

Caroline Baerten (Belgium) is a mindfulness-based nutritionist/RD, qualified chef and integrative psychotherapist. She specializes in work with disturbed eating behavior and nutrition ecology. She is a certified Mindful Eating, Conscious Living teacher (ME-CL) and a qualified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (CFM,University of Massachusetts) and Mindful Self-Compassion teacher.

For many years she has been a student of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh at the Institute of Applied Buddhism (Germany).

She serves on the TCME Board and welcomes comments on this webinar. Caroline can be reached at

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