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The Center for Mindful Eating

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Finding Your Healthy Weight

August 19, 2014 - Marsha Hudnall MS, RDN, CD

As large numbers of people continue to struggle with eating and weight, it is increasingly evident that the now 50+-year-old advice of "eat less, exercise more" does not help most people adopt and sustain the behaviors that support healthy weights. This teleconference reviews fundamental issues that challenge individuals in their ability to do this, and illuminates the role of mindful eating in helping clients move toward a more sustainable health-centered approach.

Participants will:

* explain the benefit of changing the focus from weight to health to improve health behaviors and outcomes.
* list basic tenets of a health-centered approach to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.
* articulate the role of mindful eating in a health-centered approach to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Marsha Hudnall, MS, RDN, CD, is president and co-owner of Green Mountain at Fox Run, a women’s weight management retreat in Vermont that pioneered the non-diet approach to healthy weights. Green Mountain was founded 40 years ago to help women stop dieting and learn how to truly take care of themselves to reach and maintain their natural healthy weights. Mindful eating has been a core component of the program for over 25 years.

Learn more about Marsha's work in our TCME Blog post, written by our summer intern: Mindful Approach to Healthy Weight Management

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The Center for Mindful Eating

PO Box 30033

Columbia, MO 65205

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