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The Center for Mindful Eating

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Mindful Eating Day 2018: Compassionate Self-Care is Essential (Part 1)

  • Thursday, January 25, 2018
  • 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
  • Online Everywhere


Registration is closed

Many people realize that they eat – or overeat – when they are feeling lonely, disappointed, or sad. Mindful eating can help us become aware of the true origin of hunger – whether we are physically hungry, or if the heart is hungry, that is, if the heart is longing for something that is not food.

For Mindful Eating Day 2018, we will be hosting a series of interviews with mindful eating professionals to help us develop a sense of self-care, learn how to recognize heart or emotional hunger, find ways to satisfy it without eating, and reduce its frequency and intensity.

We will be interviewing Kristy Arbon, Lynn Rossy, Linn Thorstensson, Fiona Sutherland, Ronna Kabatznick, and Sharon Salzberg to help us mindfully deepen into these ways to work with our heart hunger, which reflects a need for intimacy and connection, especially with ourselves.

When the urge to eat arises, we can check in with the body. If the body is not hungry, we can check in with the heart. If the heart is hungry, we can do one of the activities on the list. Call a friend, go for a walk in nature, have a hot bath, or meditate. Depending on where we are and how much time we have, meditating might consist of doing the body scan or a quick 3-Minute Breathing Space.     

Join us on the 25th of January at 9 am and 2 pm (EST) for two broadcasts of conversations with mindfulness practitioners and pioneers in the field of mindful eating.

Both programs will be recorded and available to watch at your convenience.

Afternoon (2:00 PM EST) Session Registration

Help support this and other free programs with a tax-deductible donation!

Leading up to the day of celebration, we'll be offering a month's worth of inspirational messages and reflections in our Mindful Eating Day 2018 Facebook Group. Join the conversation here!

And, as we did last year, we are inviting mindful eating professionals around the globe to host their own local Mindful Eating Day celebrations in their communities and work places. Download the Mindful Eating Day Tool Kit for Professionals

Download our special What is Mindful Eating: Points of Confusion handout

Join us in the celebration of mindful eating. Help spread the word!

Twitter @MindfulTCME  use the hashtag: #mindfuleatingday

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TCME is a member and donation supported 501(C)3 non-profit organization. We depend your generosity to make our mindful eating programs available. Make a tax deductible contribution on our donation page

The Center for Mindful Eating

PO Box 30033

Columbia, MO 65205

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