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The Center for Mindful Eating

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The Four Foundations of Mindfulness Applied to Mindful Eating

Ronna Kabatznick, PhD. | September 27, 2018

This program is adapted from the core principles of the Buddha's teachings designed to help us understand the nature of all human experience. These teachings are not religious in the sense of devotion and belief. They are based on observations of the mind which

help inform us of what nourishes and depletes us. The mind is our working basis for the practice of mindful eating and the development of awareness. 

There are four aspects of relating directly to the mind, traditionally known as the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. These four include: mindfulness of the body, mindfulness of feelings, mindfulness of mind and mindfulness of Dhammas (the way things are).

How each of these foundations apply to mindful eating and the challenges that arise from the practice will be our primary focus.

Participants can expect to learn:

  1. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
  2. Apply each of the Four Foundations to Mindful Eating
  3. Practice ways of integrating the Four Foundations in your daily lives

Ronna Kabatznick, PhD. is a social psychologist who specializes in mindful eating, depression and relationships. For nine years, she was the psychologist for Weight Watchers International where she developed their behavioral weight management program. 

She is also the author of two best selling books, The Zen of Eating: Ancient Answers for Modern Weight Problems and Who by Water: Reflections of a Tsunami Psychologist. Dr. Kabatznick served on the TCME Board and is now on the advisory board. Dr. Kabatznick works with clients throughout the United States, Canada and Europe.

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